by terrymcafee | Jan 4, 2010 | Uncategorized
Five weeks and the snow is still piled up everywhere. If you live in Minnesota, this may sound like a wimpy complaint but for Reno, it’s a long time. And the bicycling in Reno is somewhere between dangerous and impossible, assuming of course that you don’t mind...
by terrymcafee | Jan 12, 2009 | Bike Facilities
The League of American Bicyclists recently published a list of $2.18 billion worth of proposed projects for bicycle facilities to be potentially funded by the economic stimulus package. To my mind, these kind of projects fit perfectly because they are both a way to...
by terrymcafee | Aug 29, 2008 | Bike Facilities, Uncategorized
Four things need to happen to make Mayberry’s 3 lane design a success: RTC needs to finish the paint and signage. Some curbs need to be painted red around Roy Gomm Elementary School and a few signs need to be installed. The flashing caution sign near Edgewater needs...
by terrymcafee | Aug 15, 2008 | Bike Facilities, Uncategorized
Reno’s most popular bike route is about to get a makeover. Mayberry Drive is by far the most popular bicycle route in the Washoe Valley. Hundreds of bicyclists use it every week, both to commute to and from work and shopping and for recreational rides to lovely...
by terrymcafee | Jun 24, 2008 | commuting
Lately, I bicycle a different route to work each day. I’m surveying the streets to help revise the RTC bike map of existing bike lanes. My morning commute starts before 7:00. The air is cool and the motorists are calm. This morning I found myself exploring Fourth...