Bicycling Vegas Style

Dec 28, 2013 | bikes | 1 comment

Bridget – from Las Vegas

I used to spend the majority of my free time in the gym. I would finish work at 5:00 and go straight there. I generally wouldn’t arrive home until after 8:00. Sadly, I didn’t even enjoy my time there. It was claustrophobic working out alongside some many other sweaty people. I wanted a break from this hamster wheel of existence, but I couldn’t figure out how to get my exercise in a different way. Although I had heard of those who run outdoors or ride bikes through the city, these activities seemed dangerous to me. Fortunately, a move to Las Vegas changed my habits.City bike woman

Until I moved, I didn’t realize how much an individual’s place of residence can affect exercise habits. I never thought moving to Vegas would turn me into a proponent of outdoor fitness, but it did.

Upon first moving to Las Vegas, I figured I would have difficulty even getting a minimal amount of outdoor exercise. My notion of exercising outside in Sin City entailed drunks stumbling along the downtown strip. Fortunately, the city proved me wrong.

If a picture of the Las Vegas strip is firmly planted in your brain, it might be difficult to recall that the city lies at the center of the Mojave Desert. This natural wonder features miles of scenic bike trails, and I love exploring them. Of course, getting lost out there would be a travesty, so I use this amazing website to locate and navigate safe trails and help me get back home in one piece.

Did you know that Las Vegas has been named one of America’s Cycle-Friendly Cities? This acknowledgement from the League of American Bicyclists has come after the city spent half a million dollars on bike racks and lockers for the downtown area. Additionally, the city now boasts 390 miles of bike lanes.

Visitors can benefit from the fitness culture in Las Vegas as well. A search on this amazing resource will help you find activities and accommodations at hotels that cater to your individual fitness needs. Today, the city contains many hotels that feature great gyms for guests and provide a broad menu of fitness amenities. While staying here, you’ll also find that guest services at most hotels will be happy to point you toward nearby outdoor fitness venues.

Any fitness buff knows that exercise is only a part of the overall fitness picture. In Las Vegas, many healthy food and drink options have also become available. Juice bars can be found in any corner of the city. Those looking for vegetarian options and other healthy food choices will find a variety of restaurants available in most neighborhoods here, including downtown. It might seem hard to believe that Sin City has a healthy streak. Why not plan a trip here so you can see it for yourself?

Terry – from Reno

Wow, you’ve got to admire the enthusiasm of the recent convert! Bridget sounds like she just joined the Chamber of Commerce and drank the cool aide. That makes me smile. So much energy!

For me the best thing about Las Vegas is the people who are making Las Vegas a great place to ride. In particular, I’m thinking of Lisa Caterbone, Ron Floth and James Little.

Lisa Caterbone runs The site is a one stop shop at the intersection of Las Vegas and Bicycling. There’s a ride calendar, maps and cue sheets and a picture gallery with some great videos. Lisa has really done something special for Vegas cycling. Check it out.

Las Vegas bicycle jerseyRon Floth is the Bicycle and Community Outreach Coordinator for the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (whew, that’s some title). Ron is the liaison between the RTC and Las Vegas Bicyclists. He’s the “go-to-guy” if you’re a roadie and have a bone to pick with the RTC in southern Nevada. The RTC is a key player in keeping Las Vegas a Bicycle Friendly Community.

James Little is head of the Las Vegas Valley Bicycle Club. Find them at There’s a potluck dinner on January 9th and plenty of rides on their website.

Bicycling is great in Las Vegas because people make it great!