Measuring Heart Rate Variability

Measuring Heart Rate Variability

Jennifer Lewis contributed this thoughtful article to the Nevada Bicycle Coalition Blog: The Importance of Measuring Heart Rate Variability for Cyclists In the sports medicine and biofeedback fields alike, the buzzword is Heart Rate Variability (HRV): the change in...
Nevada: Quit Smoking and Start Cycling

Nevada: Quit Smoking and Start Cycling

By now we’re all aware of the negative effects of smoking on our health. Smoking can lead to emphysema, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and many other health problems. Despite this, statistics show that 19.3% of adult Americans are smokers. Even more sobering...

Five Weeks of Bike Lane Snow…and counting

Five weeks and the snow is still piled up everywhere. If you live in Minnesota, this may sound like a wimpy complaint but for Reno, it’s a long time. And the bicycling in Reno is somewhere between dangerous and impossible, assuming of course that you don’t mind...

Let It Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow…

Looking at all of this snow got me search the Web for ideas for winter bicycling. I found this on the site to share with you, from a 2007 blog posting by Jill Horner. Look out for those moose holes. – Terry Jill Homer of Juneau, Alaska, is training to...