Goodbye Salomon, Hello Schwinn.

Apr 8, 2008 | commuting, Uncategorized | 2 comments

Wow, long time no post. But ski season is dwindling away (sniff sniff) and I can almost take the toe warmers off my cycling shoes, so its time for some bikeblogging.

Now, I don’t try to hide the sad fact that I’m a fair weather commuter. There are no fenders on my bike, and if I have to wear a face mask to stay warm, its Subaru weather. But these blustery days will soon be “gone with the Schwinn” and I can see all over Reno that I’m not the only one dusting off my Trek and getting back into the spin of things. (ha.)

Riding a bike is, well, like riding a bike…it all comes back to you. But the finer points of cycling through urban road systems may take some review after the ski season (although its not entirely unlike navigating the trees on the side of Proletariat Bowl, so some of us should be good). When in doubt watch this video and strictly abide by the following tips.[youtube=]

Just kidding I meant this one: [youtube=]

Commuting Necessities:

1) Helmet. I know, I know, helmet hair = weirdo, and may not help you attract the kind of attention you were hoping for over drinks at the Imperial. But when I ride, the chances are too great that showing off my new highlights = being a vegetable, so I’ll take my chances and rely on my winning personality.

2) Clothing. Oh, I don’t mean to suggest that clothing itself isn’t optional, that of course is personal preference. But when riding at night, its oh-so-cool to be oh-so-visible. No, chartreuse isn’t on my list of complementary colors for my skin tone either. But even white is pretty reflective at night, and you should definitely make sure your messenger bag has some reflect-o-taping to catch the driver’s eye.

3) Cool. Noah, RBP co-founder, (clearly an authority on the subject,) gives insight into the source of his stature. “I find being cool helps with my ride,” he says. I think he’s right. My hard CORE commuter friend Earl finds similar success riding to work in a three piece suit with a bunch of camera junk strapped to his back. And at the risk of reviling trade secrets, I’ve heard that messenger bags with a helmet strapped to the front is a great tool for navigating crowded bars. It either gives you the opening to buy someone a drink, or pushes them into their own drink, which ever works in your favor.